In 1291, representatives from the cantons of Uri, Schwyz and Unterwalden formed an alliance that with time developed into the Switzerland of today: a country of free people living according to the motto of “All for one and one for all”. This is the hallmark of our philosophy, which is characterised by mutual assistance and support.
The world has changed a lot since then, but the values remain the same. We have embraced them within our delicate profession, which calls for tact, the ability to listen and understanding. Since we deal with the private and professional lives of men and women, we have to learn how to recognise and understand, day after day.
We’ve heard some people say that we’re too Swiss. We are, and we’re proud of it: being Swiss means respecting the principles of ethics, professionalism, reliability and efficacy. The service we provide to our clients is a daily commitment. It is a source of great pleasure, to which we are passionately dedicated.
Over the years, working from our office in Lugano, we have built up a community of friends and partners with relations based on mutual trust, reinforced day after day.
Thanks to this philosophy, today 1291 Insurance Brokers SA is the largest SME broker operating in this sector in Ticino, and as such can keep the pace even with the largest operators in this sector.

Watch the short documentary on 1291 Insurance Brokers
Why we are different
I believe that both my colleagues and clients will have appreciated the substantial differences in the way we work, which make 1291 Insurance Brokers something profoundly different from the other excellent professionals working in this sector.
The differences
- For us, an insurance broker is not an advisor who simply chooses for each individual client the right policy and the company that best meets with the client’s needs.
- For us, being an insurance broker means listening to clients and analysing the needs expressed by them, although also those needs clients may not yet be aware of. We propose all possible solutions and, working together and never alone, seek to identify those that seem to us to offer the best fit.
- For us being an insurance broker means acting as a guide for a retail or business client and looking together for those variants and options that should guarantee serenity, peace of mind and certainty: for the client, for the client’s family and for the client’s business.
- For us the client is a partner, a fellow traveller along life’s journey, whether in work or in private life.
We want to get to know the client as a person so we can exchange ideas and opinions openly. This is essential for a job well done. Together. - This doesn’t happen because we are friendly people, or simply kind at heart. It is rather because we dedicate every moment of our time to listening, understanding and identifying also needs that have not yet been expressed.
- We attempt to create a harmony with the client. The value of this harmony extends far beyond any other aspect, any number or any commission. It enables us to interact with our clients and partners openly and sincerely: to show them the fastest, most effective and most reliable solutions, seeking to achieve the highest quality.
- We speak a simple, tangible and down-to-earth language. We want to be a “problem solver” for our clients on all levels, under all circumstances and in any eventuality. In some cases this also means looking beyond the strict confines of insurance.
Francesco Soldati
Our team
Our team is made up of young people who are no longer promising future talent, but have firmly established their efficiency and reliability, as the approach of 1291 Insurance Brokers SA requires. Each individual file and each individual problem is addressed comparing all available options and proposals. We compare them neutrally between the various insurance companies. This provides the best guarantee of objectivity and value for money for our clients.
We have well-established relations with all of the main insurance groups for providing assistance to individuals and families, securing assets and covering corporate risks. In many cases, these are friendships that have consolidated over the years, meaning that we can identify the best terms. However, we never let our friendships condition our final choice and the offers drawn up for our clients.
We don’t follow the herd: with us you’ll find the human touch, dynamism, dedication, enthusiasm and passion. Sombre and staid pen pushers, obsessed with rigid and formal procedures and floundering in red tape are now a thing of the past.
Join the team
Flexible working hours
We recognize the importance of balancing private and work commitments; therefore, we allow our employees time slots so that they can best balance private and professional life.
Pleasant working environment
We spend a lot of time in the workplace, so it is important for us to maintain a pleasant environment so as to make the day as pleasant as possible.
We know that it is people who make the difference, as an employer we incentivize our employees for individual and professional growth.
Work or collaborate with us
Do you want to join the team because you think you can add value? Do you want to get involved and start a new business managing your portfolio independently and with the help of a specialized and competent structure? Enter into a contract with us.
An expression of Swissness
Our office situated in the centre of Lugano brings together the symbols of Switzerland, which in some sense protect our cherished identity.
This defining feature makes it a kind of oasis within the world of insurance which, due to its structure and in part also its history, has not always been able to assert and defend its good reputation.
When we propose solutions that might appear to be impossible according to a market comparison, sometimes our partners, clients and friends receive them with scepticism, taking them with a generous pinch of salt. But where others fail we can prevail: the relationship of trust and cooperation that we have established with our clients is also mirrored by professional ties, painstakingly built up stone by stone with the largest insurance companies. They are willing to negotiate with us, to look at every case on its merits, and to consider every working hypothesis as unique, personal and made-to-measure. We are surrounded by the symbols of Switzerland both past and present: not only pictures and posters but also objects. These are symbols of the deep soul of our country, references to what clients persistently look for, but don’t always find elsewhere.
What’s new. Articles and news

1291 Insurance Brokers on Ticino Welcome
We talked about who we are in the September 2022 issue of Ticino Welcome.
Contact Us.
We are always available for a consultation at our Lugano office or directly at your offices or home.
Via S. Balestra 9 - Casella Postale - CH-6901 Lugano - Svizzera
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Viale Stazione 34 - CH-6500 - Svizzera
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Call us
+41 (0)91 922 92 54