Our services

Generally speaking, we don’t measure ourselves against our competitors but rather against ourselves. Every day we ask ourselves whether we have fully delivered on what our clients expect from us, and whether we have shown that degree of flexibility and transparency that sets us apart from the rest of the field?

Our team is ready to engage with any type of requirement in a professional manner, with passion and thinking dynamically: standing at the client’s side rather than preaching from on high across the desk. We have confined to the past that serious and measured approach that is overly obsessed with form, to the detriment of substance.

1291 has a history and core values that determine the quality of our services. Our way of working is focused on solutions, which we seek to identify openly and transparently in the interest of the client. In thirty years of experience we have learned how to listen, to ask the right questions and to understand clients’ needs, both today and in future.

Thirty years of experience enable us to perfectly align insurance supply and demand, under the most beneficial terms and with the highest security standards.

How we work

It makes little difference whether a client is a retail or a business client, with complex or clearly defined needs. We deploy our full expertise and experience in the interest of our clients, because every client deserves the very best.
Our approach incorporates three aspects:

  • professionalism as a guarantee of high quality service;
  • a relationship built on trust to ensure effective cooperation;
  • a human touch, transforming a faceless client into a valued partner.

We analyse our clients’ needs rationally because the world of insurance is a complex and variegated place. We draw on our emotional intelligence when interacting with clients and partners, ensuring that our solutions are transparent, convincing and shared.

We invest a lot in our staff, building up their training and expertise and improving their advisory style. This is because it is ultimately human relationships that make the difference.


We analyse our clients’ operations, wealth and assets, identifying points of strength as well as sources of fragility.

After this we set out the insurance protection needs.

We identify and assess any risks inherent to the client’s operations.

We examine in detail any existing insurance contracts and policies. We engage with our clients across the board, looking at what works, any aspects that in our view are not currently aligned with needs and expectations, as well as anything that is superfluous.

Step by step we assess the client’s overall insurance position and present our offers drawn up from an overall systemic perspective, although obviously illustrating them in detail. Finally we define relations with the different insurance companies.

We constantly analyse new insurance products and suggest changes in course to the client with a view to establishing an optimal cost-benefit ratio.

and tax

We have our clients’ retirement planning at heart; we do a retirement analysis so that we can find insurance tailored to each client.

On the tax side, we have partnerships with established trustees.

We are always the reference for the client, to whom we propose balanced solutions that meet both pension needs and tax optimization at the same time.

To each individual client we offer an interactive simulation that synergistically takes into account tax, social security, insurance and mortgage aspects over time. So that the client has a clear view of his current situation and scenarios projected into the future. After that we optimize all relevant aspects.

This involves a dynamic analysis of the client’s situation taking into account his income, expectations, and long-term management of pension products, including tax optimization.

24-7 assistance

We act with the utmost discretion and absolutely guarantee the privacy of our clients. We ensure the maximum level of assistance in the event of accidents, identifying and suggesting the best options for technical work and repairs. We process payouts on claims swiftly, working directly with insurance companies thanks to our practical, direct and professional engagement with them.

We communicate consistently, quickly and with a keen eye for detail. We are available at the other end of a telephone and quickly answer emails because our objective is always to find a solution, and never to be the problem.

At 1291 Insurance Brokers SA we’re always there for you.

Problem solvers

It is difficult to work according to a compartmentalised approach with isolated fields of specialisation. We know that, in order to assist a client in areas of such delicacy and sensitivity as risk insurance cover, pensions and tax, a strong relationship is indispensable. Brilliant results are only possible where there is a relationship of mutual trust.

We deploy our full expertise and experience in the insurance industry to further our clients’ interests. But it doesn’t end there. We can also assist our clients in relation to aspects that are not strictly related to our work as brokers. This is because, for us, the client is first and foremost a person. Lending a hand to solve problems is quite simply second nature for us.

Whether you’ve recently moved to Ticino or were born here, we can offer you added value, without any constraints, and always in a professional manner.


For retail clients

  • Cars
  • Motorcycles
  • Trucks
  • Boats
  • Bicycles & e-bikes
  • Other means of transport
  • Travel insurance
  • Roadside assistance
  • Legal protection in relation to transportation
  • Cancellation fees
  • Household contents
  • Domestic liability insurance
  • Real estate guarantee
  • Buildings
  • Solar installations / geothermal probes
  • Rental deposit
  • Works of art
  • Valuable items
  • Mortgages
  • Constructions
  • Domestic liability insurance
  • Private legal protection
  • Legal protection in relation to transportation
  • Insurance
  • Savings
  • Investments
  • Pension planning
  • Online check
  • Accident
  • Children’s accident
  • Loss of earnings
  • Insurance under the Federal Act on Accident Insurance for domestic assistants

For companies

  • Inventory
  • Machinery & electronics
  • Real estate
  • Construction
  • Works of art
  • Business liability insurance
  • Public liability insurance
  • Renewable energy
  • Transports
  • Entrepreneurs insurance
  • Illness
  • Prevention & advice
  • Documentation
  • Accidents
  • Liability insurance for executive officers
  • Abuse of trust
  • Cyber insurance for SMEs
  • Cyber security & privacy
  • Asset managers
  • Pension funds PTL
  • Credit insurance
  • Sureties & guarantees
  • Fleets
  • Trucks
  • Aircrafts

What’s new. Articles and news


Contact Us.

We are always available for consultation at our offices in Lugano and Bellinzona or directly at your office or home.

Lugano headquarter

Via S. Balestra 9 - Casella Postale - CH-6901 Lugano - Switzerland
Check it out on Google Street View

Bellinzona branch

Viale Stazione 34 - CH-6500 - Switzerland
Check it out on Google Street View

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+41 (0)91 922 92 54

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